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Wilco BV sets great store on the protection of your personal data. This Privacy Policy provides information on how we deal with personal information.

We naturally do everything in our power to guarantee your privacy and therefore take great care when dealing with personal data. Wilco BV always observes applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In concrete terms:

  • We process your personal data in line with the objective for which they were provided; these objectives and types of personal data are set out in this Privacy Policy;
  • The processing of your personal information is limited to those data that are minimally required for the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Wilco BV will ask for your explicit consent if this is required in order to process your personal data;
  • Your personal data are fully protected;
  • We will refrain from passing on personal information to other parties unless this is required for the execution of the purposes for which they were provided;
  • We are aware of your rights regarding your personal data and always respect them.

How do we obtain your personal data? In today’s society, much is known about all of us; we consciously or unconsciously share our information in many different ways. Drukkerij Wilco BV obtains your data through:

  • Our websites / contact form / applications such as our delivery portal / linked systems;
  • Solutions on (sections of) our website, etc.;
  • The websites stated may process personal data because you avail of the services provided – by visiting, contacting or registering – and leave information, such as your IP address and visiting behaviour;
  • Please note that leaving your digital footprint may occur unconsciously by visiting other sites or apps, which can be accessed through a link on our website(s).

We use the following cookies on our website:

  • Functional cookies
  • Analytical cookies

We use this information to track how you use the website, to compile reports on website activity, to improve website operation and provide targeted and relevant general information to visitors. In addition, various campaigns (social media) are linked to our websites (campaigns and vacancies).

By default, most browsers (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox) are set to accept cookies. You can set your browser to refuse all cookies, or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, this may affect certain functions in this website, such as delivery, direct hyperlinks (contact, e-mail, telephone, etc.).

As Wilco BV, we are responsible for the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions about this or more general questions after reading our Privacy Policy, or wish to contact us, please use the contact details at the bottom of this document.

Processing personal data of customers or suppliers

Wilco BV processes the personal data of customers or suppliers for the following purpose(s):

  • Communication about orders/tasks and/or invitations;
  • Administrative purposes: carrying out or issuing an order for the realisation of – individualised – printed matter and/or delivery at an address;
  • Implementing improvements in the processes of our organisation;
  • The basis for these personal data is: The contracted project.

Wilco BV can ask or manage the following personal data from you for the benefit of the above objective(s);

  • Name/initials/insertion
  • Titles
  • Address
  • Postcode
  • City
  • Province
  • Country
  • Town/City
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • E-mail address
  • Website
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • LinkedIn account
  • Facebook account
  • Twitter account
  • Name of your organisation/employer
  • Financial data of the contracting party
  • Login details (a username only, and no password) if you use our online applications

If we receive an order from our customers, we are the Processor of personal data. These data may be variable and because we are not the Party responsible, we cannot predict these in advance. We deal with these data as instructed by our customer in a processing agreement. If you have any questions about these data, please contact the original party that collected your information (the Party responsible).

Wilco BV saves the personal data of customers and suppliers for which we are the Party responsible for the purpose of the above process(es) for the period:

For the duration of the contract, and subsequently until you request to be removed from our customer relationship management system and financial administration (for at least 7 years).

We would like to point out that if your e-mail address contains any information about your political preferences, religious convictions or other special characteristics, these will naturally be considered. We will not use this.

Wilco BV processes personal information of prospect, sales or marketing contacts and/or interested parties for the following purposes:

  • To provide information in the form of newsletters and/or targeted contacts;
  • To implement improvements in our organisation’s strategy or processes;
  • The basis for these personal data is: Verbal consent, issuing a business card, agreeing to our cookie policy on our website and the contact form and the options for registration in our web applications, and/or through a link on LinkedIn.

Wilco BV may require the following personal information from you for the above purposes:

  • Name/initials/insertion
  • Titles
  • Address
  • Postcode
  • City
  • Province
  • Country
  • Town/City
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • E-mail address
  • Website
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • LinkedIn account
  • Facebook account
  • Twitter account
  • Name of your organisation/employer
  • Financial data of the contracting party

Wilco BV will save your personal information for the above process(es) during the period that you are seen as a prospect, stakeholder/lobby contact and/or interested party. In real terms, this is until you request to be removed.

Issuing to third parties

We may pass on the data you provide to third parties if this is strictly required for carrying out the above purposes. We deploy a third party:

  • To provide the hosting and management of our online, web or cloud solutions;
  • For technical support concerning the data processing of our in-house IT applications;
  • To analyse visitor behaviour (Google Analytics)
  • For (sub)processors to realise assignments for the purpose of (individualised) printing and/or delivery;
  • For salary records;
  • For absenteeism and reintegration organisations;
  • For insurers;
  • To deal with (financial) administration/our accountant;
  • To provide newsletters and invitations.

We never pass on personal data to other parties with whom we do not have a processing agreement. We naturally make all required arrangements with these parties (processors) to guarantee the security of your personal information. In addition, we do not share the data you provide with other parties, unless this is legally required and permitted, such as if the police requests (personal) data from us as part of an investigation. In such cases, we are required to collaborate and obliged to provide these data. We may also share personal data with third parties if we have your written consent.

We do not provide personal information to parties based outside the EEA (European Economic Area) unless an equivalent level of protection is available, such as the Privacy Shield.

We do not process personal details of minors (persons under 16 years of age). Possible exceptions are traineeships and/or holiday work, but only if written permission is given by the parent, caregiver or legal representative.

Wilco BV does not retain personal data for any longer than necessary for the purpose for which they have been provided, or as is required by law.

We have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data from unlawful processing, including the following;

  • All persons who can consult your data on behalf of Wilco BV are bound to secrecy;
  • We deploy a username and password policy on all our systems;
  • Pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data when appropriate;
  • We apply https and ftp(s) for our website(s) and web application(s); SSL certification;
  • We make backup copies of the personal data so we can restore them in the event of physical or technical failures;
  • We regularly test and evaluate our measures;
  • Our employees are informed about the importance of protecting personal information.

Rights regarding your data

You have the right to inspect, correct or delete the personal details we have received from you. You can also object our or one of our processor’s processing of your personal data (or part thereof). You are entitled to have us transfer the information you have provided to yourself or, on your order, directly to another party. We may ask you to identify yourself before complying with the above requests.

If we are permitted to process your personal information based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.


Please contact us immediately if you have a complaint about the processing of your personal information. We are always sorry to hear of any issue we are unable to solve. You always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the supervisory authority in the area of privacy protection.


If you have any questions or comments regarding our Privacy Statement, please contact us!


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